Introduction to Inductive Bible Study Skills



I-001 Psalm 1
I-002 1 Thessalonians 1
I-003 Matthew 6
I-004 Psalm 19
I-005 1 Corinthians 12 (Spiritual Gifts)

Course Objectives:

The purpose of these courses is to introduce students to the skill of Inductive Bible Study so that they can study the Bible on their own and understand what God means by what He says instead of imposing their meanings onto the text of God’s Word.

What you will learn?

Students will learn the beginning IBS tools so that they can study the Bible inductively. They will learn to develop a questioning mindset as they train their minds to reason Scripture and glean precious truths from God’s Word on their own.

Target Audience

  1. Any believer who desires to study God’s Word inductively
  2. All those who are doing workshops for the first time.

Kindly get in touch below if you wish to host any Bible conference or seminars.