A New Good Friday/Passover Message

Dear friends,

I’ve a new message for Good Friday / Passover this year. If your cell group / fellowship group etc are interested, you can get in touch with me.

In this message, I’ll deal with the issue of the 2 Passovers. There was a family Passover in Exodus 12 and a national Passover in Deut 16. Commentators over the centuries have been divided on how Jesus can celebrate the Passover and be the Passover lamb itself. The New Testament narratives seem contradictory at a glance. The answer lies in both OT text itself. At the last Supper, Jesus took the family Passover and made it a 3rd Passover (i.e. personal Passover). He then died on the national Passover itself.

The Passover is a shadow picture of His return. The book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus performed the Day of Atonement sacrifice on Passover. In the same way, at His Second Coming, Zechariah tells us He will be performing the Passover sacrifice on the Day of Atonement itself. Both these festivals criss-crossed at His 2 Comings.

Find out how you can be in God’s plan and what it means for you today!

Jeffrey Loh